hodgepodge your walls, bleach them bone, stain them red, it's your poster room.
hodgepodge your walls, bleach them bone, stain them red, it's your poster room.
XXXXXXXXXX is is an independent filmmaking collective united by a love for cinema. We're here to tell eclectic stories that surprise, destabilise, and still resonate across lived experiences.
So, get the paint out. Get messy with us.
Three years ago, in a little studio with a wall decked out in posters, seven friends crossed paths. There, we ravenously consumed films, spun with music, and mused deep into slow, slow nights.
Today, we call ourselves a collective. Grounded in friendship and growing through collaborative dreams, we produce each other’s films, co-write, workshop, and make long-term plans together.
Us at our annual Poster Oomph, a Halloween-Christmas-Newyear’s costume party we organise to celebrate the year, our work, and our friends and family.
(Clockwise from back) Nadhirah, Randall, Hong, Steph, Ewan, Nigel, and Tammie.
The human is inextricably bound to and affected by things larger than our individual selves – ideologically, emotionally, or vocationally. We’re united in this way by a love for cinema and a desire to make films.
We recognise that we do not want to make meaningful art through the blind genius of one person, and so we are a collective, promising always to be bound to and affected by each other. At the same time, we understand that the human is, ineluctably, a differentiated individual. Our art hopes not to be prescriptive or totalising, but polyphonic, slippery, human.
Regardless of where you watch our films – privately screened in a poster room like ours, or big on a film festival screen – and whether you like them, if they offer you a new perspective on yourself, or your mother, or a stranger, that to us will be good enough.
The original “Poster Room” in question.